hyperspace@gu aims at increasing the exchange of information and foster the interaction among scientists working in general relativity and gravitation. The site is edited by Luciano Rezzolla and it is hosted at the Institute for Theoretical Physics of the Goethe University (GU) in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. This site is operated under the auspices of the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation (ISGRG).
hyperspace@gu provides the opportunity to post announcements about conferences, job opportunities, and general news. All of this information can be easily accessed on the site and is collected in the form of a bulletin which is sent to the hyperspace mailing list on the second day of each month. The information in the bulletin is also stored in calendars and RSS feeds which can be browsed on the site but also imported for private use.
Announcements can be posted with simple online forms and following clear instructions. Posts made by registered users are published immediately and can be modified at any time. Anonymous posts by non-registered users are moderated by the editor and can only be modified by him. Registration is encouraged for users planning to make repeated announcements over the years. Anonymous posting is recommended in all other cases.
Registering simple and needs to be done only once using the contact form. At registration you can also provide information about yourself, such as: affiliation, email address, personal webpage, interests, etc. We normally do not register as “authors” students and scientists who are not working at a scientific institution. On the other hand, subscription to the mailing list will be granted (within reason) to all those requesting it.
hyperspace@gu also serves as a pointer to scientific and publicly available numerical codes, Mathematica notebooks, Maple worksheets, or any other well-validated software that can help the research on general relativity and gravitation.