Applications are invited for a 3 yr(+) postdoctoral research position and two (4 yr) PhD positions in the exciting new field of complementarity of electro-magnetic and gravitational-wave (GW) observations.
The positions are funded through a large national program focusing on direct detection of GWs, fundamental physics and preparation for the GW observatories LISA and Einstein Telescope (ET). In Nijmegen a GW data analysis group will focus on enhancing the (astro)physics of GW detection using electro-magnetic data.
The postdoctoral researcher must have a PhD in Physics or Astronomy and preferably have experience with GW data analysis. The post-doc will play an important role in the supervision of the PhD students and the planning of the project. Part of the time can be spend on own research projects. The PhD projects will focus on electro-magnetic signals for LISA (including verification binaries) and possible LISA – ET synergies. Gross salaries are on the standard university scales for post-docs and PhD students (between 2750-3750 and 2050 to 2600 €/month)
Applications, consisting of a letter of interest, a CV and list of publications should be submitted by e-mail, as well as details of three possible references. Review of applications will begin on April 1, 2010 and continue until all positions have been filled.
The department of Astrophysics is a young, vibrant group (~15 faculty/postdocs, ~10 PhD students, ~10 Master students). It has a leading role in radio detection of cosmic rays, ultra-compact binary stars and Galactic surveys. Recent grants have doubled it in size, with another 15 PhDs and postdocs arriving in 2010. It is located in the student town Nijmegen, and old (Roman) city, within easy reach of other places in the Netherlands.
University positions (including PhD positions) in the Netherlands include good medical and social benefits (including maternity and paternity leave and child care) plus holiday and end-of-year bonuses.
Futher information concerning this positions can be obtained from Gijs Nelemans (nelemans at; tel. +31-24-3652983).