Workshop on Relativistic Positioning Systems and Gravimetry

More info:  external link

Location:  Noordwijk, The Netherlands

Relativistic Positioning Systems and Gravimetry: From a Paradigm Shift to Practical Applications

The Advanced Concepts Team of the European Space Agency organizes a one-day workshop on relativistic positioning systems and relativistic gravimetry. Researchers are welcome to present their latest research in this field. The list of topics can include (but is not limited to):

* Time transfer in General Relativity
* Properties of emission coordinates
* Relativistic positioning systems
* Relativistic reference frames
* Relativistic gravimetry

Here is a list of Preliminary speakers:

* Angelo Tartaglia (Politecnico di Torino)
* J.-Fernando Pascual-Sanchez (University of Valladolid)
* Serge Reynaud (Kastler Brossel laboratory)
* Andrej Čadež and Uros Kostić (University of Ljubljana)
* Marc Lachièze-Rey (CEA, Saclay) (tbc)
* Clovis de Matos (ESA)

Some time will be devoted to discussion. The workshop will be followed by a diner. No fee is asked for the registration.

Dates and location

April, 26th 2010
Conference room Einstein
ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands.

Registration (deadline April 17th)

The registration for the workshop is open until April 17th. To register please send an email to fairouz.nasr[AT] or pacome.delva[AT] . If you want to give a presentation, put in this email the title of your talk and a short abstract.