PhD Position at Hamburg University

More info:  external link

Location:  Hamburg, Germany

A PhD position in the subjects mathematical physics / quantum gravity will be available at the Department of Mathematics at Hamburg University. The successful applicant will be part of the Emmy Noether Junior Research Group “Conceptual Questions of Quantum Gravity and Mathematical Structures in Three-Dimensional Gravity” funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

The research group currently consists of Dr. Catherine Meusburger, Dr. Winston Fairbairn and Dipl. Phys. Torsten Schoenfeld. It interacts closely with research groups at Hamburg University’s Mathematics and Physics department as well as DESY. It also partipates in the Center for Mathematical Physics and the Collaborative Research Center “Particles, Strings and the Early Universe” (SFB 676).

The starting date of the position is from June 2010. Applicants must have a Master (or equivalent) in either mathematics or physics, excellent background knowledge in both of these subjects and should be interested in working at their interface.

They should email the following application documents to catherine.meusburger[AT] :

1. Detailed Curriculum Vitae
2. List of courses taken, with brief description of content, transcript of degree
3. Summary of master project or thesis (1- 2 pages)
4. Names and contact information of two referees which have agreed to be contacted and to provide an opinion about the applicant.

The application deadline is April 11 2010.

Further information about the positions and the research group can be found at

For questions or informal enquiries please contact catherine.meusburger[AT]
