Current and Future Challenges in Gravitational Physics

More info:  external link

Location:  London, U.K.

14th May 2010, 2pm-5pm, Phillips room, Institute of Physics, 76 Portland Place, London, UK.

A series of talks will be given on the current status of gravitational physics research, and how the subject is expected to develop during the next decade. The meeting will begin with an overview by Professor Bernard Schutz (Albert Einstein Institute, Golm). This will be followed by a series of specialist talks on gravitational waves by Dr Stephen Fairhurst (Cardiff), on cosmology and gravitation by Dr Kazuya Koyama (Portsmouth), and on the AdS/CFT correspondence and relativistic fluids by Dr Mukund Rangamani (Durham).

This meeting has been organized by the Institute of Physics Gravitational Physics Group. The talks are open to members and non-members of the Institute of Physics Gravitational Physics Group alike, and you are encouraged to advertise this meeting to your colleagues. There is no registration fee; however, space is limited so if you would like to attend the talks please could you email the Institute of Physics Gravitational Physics Group secretary (d.burton[AT] to allow the number of participants to be monitored. The secretary should be emailed no later than 11th May 2010.