The “Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe” (IPMU) is a new international research institute with English as its official language established in October 2007. The goal of the institute is to discover the fundamental laws of nature and to understand the universe from the synergistic perspectives of mathematics, statistics, theoretical and experimental physics, and astronomy. We are particularly interested in candidates with broad interests to interact with people from other subfields.
We intend to appoint a few assistant professors to 5-year terms, with a possible extension for five more years contingent on review and funding. This is the equivalent of tenure-track positions at IPMU. We also intend to appoint a few associate and full professors for the upcoming terms for as long as funding is allowed. This is the equivalent of tenured positions at IPMU.
We seek to build a diverse, highly interactive membership, and female and international applicants are strongly encouraged. We have generous travel support for our postdocs, and encourage full-time members to be away from the Institute for between 1 and 3 months every year.
The initial focus of IPMU includes but is not limited to: all areas of mathematics (e.g. algebra, geometry, analysis, and statistics); string theory and mathematical physics; particle theory, collider phenomenology, beyond the standard model physics phenomenology; cosmology and astrophysics theory; astronomy and observational cosmology; and underground experiments. We are leading efforts on the XMASS dark matter experiment, the HyperSuprimeCam project for weak lensing surveys at the Subaru telescope, GADZOOKS! at Super-Kamiokande, the Xe-based double beta-decay search in KamLAND, and R&D for future large neutrino detectors. IPMU is a full institutional member in SDSS-III.
IPMU is on the Kashiwa campus of the University of Tokyo. More than half of its full-time scientific members come from outside Japan. Its annual budget is approximately $15M. IPMU has a satellite in Kamioka to maintain close connection with experimental groups.
The applications should include a CV, research statement, publication list, and letters of recommendation.
Applications received via IPMU application form or AcademicJobsOnline will be treated equally in screening process.
The search is open until filled, but for full considerations please submit the applications and letters by Dec 1, 2010.