Programming of Heterogeneous Systems in Physics

More info:  external link

Location:  Jena, Germany

We are pleased to announce a three-day workshop on “Programming of Heterogeneous Systems in Physics”, a workshop to be held on 5-7 October 2011 at Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany.

This workshop will focus on

– Solving partial differential equations efficiently on the heterogeneous computing systems. There is some emphasis on GPU computing, but other accelerators and the efficient use of large multi-core cluster nodes are considered as well.

– Optimization of computational kernels coming from finite differences, spectral methods, and lattice gauge theory on accelerators.

We plan to have a tutorial day, two days of talks and a poster session. We plan for discussion and talks to provide an overview of current work in these areas, and to develop future lines of research and collaborations. The deadline for submission of talks is 15 August 2011.

G. Zumbusch (Chair, Jena), B. Bruegmann (Jena), A. Weyhausen (Jena), L. Rezzolla (Potsdam), B. Zink (Tuebingen)