Applications are invited for a three-year PhD scholarship at the “Laboratoire Univers et Theorie” of the Astronomical Observatory of Paris funded by the ERC-Starting Grant “EDECS: Exploring Dark Energy through Cosmic Structures”, coordinated by P.S. Corasaniti. Candidates strongly motivated to pursue a rigorous research program in cosmology and with expertise in numerical scientific computing are preferred, but all outstanding candidates will be considered. The research will focus on cosmic structure formation in non-standard cosmological scenarios using numerical cosmological simulations. The successful candidate will develop and analyze large volume high-resolution simulations, and test model predictions against astrophysical data.
The appointment begins Fall 2012. Candidates should have a Master in Physics/Astronomy by the starting date. The deadline for applications is 1 March 2012. Candidates should send a CV, a list of publications (if any), a statement of research interests and arrange for two letters of recommendations to be sent to Pier Stefano Corasaniti via e-mail to EDECS.PHD2012[AT] For further information contact EDECS.ERC[AT]