Location:  Perm, Russia
Friedmann Readings -International Scientific Conference
Perm State National Research University
Perm Russia, 24-28 June 2013
Friedmann Readings, a scientific conference dedicated to the 125th birthday of Alexander Friedmann (who worked at Perm University in 1918-1920), will be held on 24-28 June 2013 at Perm State National Research University (PSNRU). The conference is organized by PSNRU, the Institute of Continuum Mechanics of the Urals Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Gravitational Society.
The purpose of the conference is to discuss the latest achievements in the theory of gravity, cosmology, modern hydrodynamics, mechanics, and physical and mathematical problems of meteorology. The scientific program of the conference will consist of plenary and sectional talks as well as informal discussions. It is planned to publish the materials of the conference before its beginning.
The working languages of the conference are Russian and English.
The first Friedmann readings took place at Perm State University in 1988, the second ones in 1998.
Organizing Committee of the conference
Co-chaimen: Prof. V.N. Melnikov, President of Russian Gravitational Society (VNIIMS, Moscow; PFUR, Moscow) and Prof. V.V. Malanin, President of PSNRU (Perm).
Deputy Chairman: Prof. V.F. Panov (PSNRU, Perm).
Members: Academicians of RAS A.A. Starobinsky and V.P. Matveenko; Profs. Sadanand Pandey (India), M. Abishev (Kazakhstan), K.A. Bronnikov (Moscow), Yu.S. Vladimirov (Moscow), D.V. Gal’tsov (Moscow), A.A. Grib (St. Petersburg), A.I. Zhuk (Odessa, Ukraine), Yu.G. Ignatyev (Kazan), N.A. Kalinin (Perm), V.G. Krechet (Yaroslavl), E.V. Kuvshinova (Perm), V.N. Lukash (Moscow), A.V. Minkevich (Minsk, Belarus’), V.M. Mostepanenko (St. Petersburg), V.I. Noskov (Perm), V.N. Pavelkin (Perm), i.e. Poloskov (Perm), Yu.P. Rybakov (Moscow), O.V. Sandakova (Perm), S.V. Sushkov (Kazan), P.G. Frik (Perm), B.N. Frolov (Moscow), S.V. Chervon (Ulyanovsk), A.P. Shkaraputa (Perm).
Three sections are planned at the Friedmann Readings:
1. Problems of cosmology and astrophysics.
2. Modern problems of classical and quantum gravity.
3. Dynamics of complex systems (In this section, it is planned to discuss the recent achievements in modern hydrodynamics, mechanics, physical and mathematical problems of meteorology.)
Registration and deadlines
To take part in the conference, it is necessary to fill the registration form (see below) and to send it to the e-mail cosmograv[AT]yandex.ru .
Deadline for registration: 1 March, 2013.
Registration fee: 500 rubles for participants from Russia and the former Soviet Union, and $20 for foreign participants. The registration fee is to be paid on arrival at the conference.
Abstracts for publication
Abstracts (within one page) should be prepared in LaTeX2e, documentclass{article}; the page setup: А4; left margin 3 cm, right margin 1.5 cm, 2 cm at the top and at the bottom, font 12pt, figures in the eps (postscript) format.
Deadline for sending the abstracts: 1 April, 2013.
Any questions about the conference can be asked to Prof. Vyacheslav Panov at the e-mails cosmograv[AT]yandex.ru, panov[AT]psu.ru
Registration form for participation in Friedmann Readings – International Scientific Conference. Perm, PSNRU, 24-28 June, 2013
Full name:
Title, scientific degree:
Post address:
Talk title(s):
Research supervisor (for students, postgraduates and non-PhD young scientists):
Arrival and departure dates (tentative):
Excursions offered to the conference participants:
To the famous Kungur ice cave
To the architectural and ethnographic musium “Khokhlovka”
To places of sightseeing in the Urals city of Perm
The conference site: http://cosmograv.ru/
Our group in Vkontakte: http://vk.com/club17728687