Contact:  triay[AT]cpt.univ-mrs.frLocation:  Saint Michel l'Observatoire, France
This school is aimed at researchers, including postdocs and PhD students. It is organized by the French community but is open to international participants.
We propose to review the recent developments in X-ray astronomy through several axes :
— Advances in understanding high-energy sources (compact objects, accreting binary sources and active galactic nuclei, supernova explosions, gamma-ray bursts) with two complementary courses on clusters of galaxies and applications in fundamental physics.
— State of the art and technological advances in terms of telescopes and detectors. These courses are intended for astrophysicists (particularly those that might later carry instrumental projects) so that they are well aware of the capabilities, but also the limitations of the current techniques and their future developments.
— Data analysis through tutorials on real data. This is particularly important for non-specialists who may get lost in the jargon and specific procedures. Each attendant will have followed at least once all the stages of the analysis with a specialist, making sure that no critical step is forgotten.