XXXVII Max Born Symposium hosting 2016, WG3 Meeting of COST Action MP 1405, Wroclaw, Poland

More info:  external link
Date:  2016-07-04  -  2016-07-07

Location:  Wroclaw, Poland

Noncommutative geometry, quantum symmetries and quantum gravity II
XXXVII Max Born Symposium hosting 2016 WG3 Meeting of COST Action MP 1405
4 – 7 July 2016, Wroclaw, Poland

The main aim of the Symposium and WG3 meeting is to gather leading experts and young researchers linking the advanced studies in quantum gravity (QG) and noncommutative geometry (NC geometry), to promote direct contact and generate new collaborations. We wish to contribute to the creation of a scientific network of European theoretical physicists working on NC and its applications to QG. The first part of the Symposium will be devoted to the COST Action MP 1405 “QSPACE” workshop of the Working Group 3 which has as its research subject the relation between quantum gravity and noncommutative geometry.

It is in two years the second Symposium devoted to these modern, intensively studied research subjects. The main topics of the present meeting are:

QG effects as described by NC geometries
Deformations of strings and NC gravity/gauge correspondence
QG models and the formalism of NC Riemmannian geometries
NC field theory and matrix models
NC aspects of loop quantum gravity (LQG)
20 years of kappa-deformation

List of invited speakers include:

G. Amelino-Camelia
G. Arutyunov*
P. Aschieri *
A. Ballesteros *
J. Barret *
T. Brzezinski
M. Dimitrijevic *
M. Hatsuda
L. Jonke
H. Kawai *
J. Lewandowski
S. Meljanac
A. Pachol *
A. Sitarz
H. Steinacker *
R. Szabo
V.N. Tolstoy
L. Tomassini *
J. Trampetic
K. Yoshida *
S. van Tongeren

*) Invited speaker of the WG3

Organizing Committee:

Andrzej Borowiec (Head)
Andrzej Frydryszak
Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman
Jerzy Lukierski
Anna Pachol
Harold Steinacker
Tomasz Trzesniewski