Contact:  geomgrav[AT]ut.eeLocation:  Tartu, Estonia
Teleparallel Gravity Workshop in Tartu, Telegrav 2020,
is a continuation of Teleparallel Gravity Workshop 2018 and the series of conferences Geometric Foundations of Gravity organized in 2017 and 2019. This time the workshop will take place June 15-19, 2020 at the University of Tartu in Estonia.
The main focus of the workshop is teleparallel gravity and its extensions with a wide range of topics from the fundamental aspects to applications in cosmology. The participation at the conference is free for all participants, but we do not provide any financial assistance. The workshop is organized by the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, University of Tartu.
UPDATE: Due to the worldwide corona virus travel restrictions the conference will be held as an ONLINE MEETING.
DEADLINE for abstract submission is 31.05.2020
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Organising Committee
Sebastian Bahamonde
Manuel Hohmann
Laur Jaerv
Tomi Koivisto
Martin Krssak
Christian Pfeifer
Margus Saal