Contact:[AT]gmail.comLocation:  Sejny, Poland
In these virtual-meeting times, it is our great pleasure to announce the Sejny Summer Institute, a real-world workshop on theoretical physics! If the sanitary situation permits it, the event will be held in northern Poland from July 26th to August 3rd 2021.
This question-based workshop is addressed to junior researchers (graduate students, post-docs…) and will be centered around the investigation of foundational problems in physics chosen by the participants themselves. Organised in small multi-disciplinary groups, participants from theoretical/mathematical physics, are to join forces with participants from history/philosophy of science, as well as computer scientists and pure mathematicians. We aim at providing a balance between the different ways of thinking in order to generate a stimulating and dynamic environment for common inquiries.
An equally important characteristic of this workshop is a relaxed, home-like and inclusive atmosphere that we wish to create. The workshop will be held in a country-house nearby the town of Sejny, with about 20 participants. Enjoying the surrounding lakes and forests will also be part of the experience.
The organisers:
Jan Glowacki, Pierre Martin-Dussaud, Alexander Thomas, Federico Zalamea, Vaclav Zatloukal