Remo Ruffini Festschrift – a conference in celebration of Remo Ruffini 80th birthday, Nice, France (hybrid)

More info:  external link
Date:  2022-05-16  -  2022-05-18

Location:  Nice, France

We are very happy to invite you to participate to the celebrations of the 80th birthday of Prof. Remo Ruffini, Director of ICRANet and President of ICRA, occurring on May 17, 2022. The meeting will be held from May 16 to 18 at ICRANet Seat Villa Ratti in Nice (France); an hybrid event, both face-to-face and online, will be adopted.

You can find all the necessary information on the meeting webpage, at the following link:

The registration for the meeting is now open, and you are kindly encouraged to register and to send your contribution through that link. Congratulations, greetings and scientific presentations will be welcomed.

The registration fee for each participant is 50 Euros. Waiving will be considered under request.

The list of invited speakers as well as the scientific program will be regularly updated in the next days on the meeting website.

We will be very honored if you could participate either in person or by electronic connection.

Chairs of the Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC): Pascal Chardonnet, Liang Li, Rahim Moradi, Jorge A. Rueda, Narek Sahakyan, Gregory Vereshchagin, Shesheng Xue, Wang Yu.
