Special issue of Symmetry

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We have announced a special issue of Symmetry, titled
“Advances in Theoretical Physics, Quantum Gravity and Spacetime Symmetries”,
and anyone is welcome to submit a paper.

Summary of the issue:
In the search for a theory of quantum gravity, a pressing pressing question is “what is the structure of spacetime at the Planck scale?”. Spacetime symmetries, and violations thereof, are promising probes for testing Planck-scale departures from known physics, and some of the most precise tests of Lorentz/CPT symmetry have Planck reach. Several approaches to Planck-scale physics can lead to the spontaneous breaking of spacetime symmetries in the gravitational sector, which could lead to observational signatures in current and future experiments. Therefore, it is of interest to study the theoretical mechanisms of spacetime-symmetry breaking in order to be able to identify any such observational hints of new physics.

All information can be found here: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/symmetry/special_issues/611S4E4W8Y