School “Gravitational wave emission from proto-neutron stars and neutron star mergers”, Aussois, France

More info:  external link
Date:  2023-06-05  -  2023-06-09

Location:  Aussois, France

The thematic school “Gravitational wave emission from proto-neutron stars and neutron star mergers” will take place in Aussois (France) from June 5 to June 9 2023, see

This graduate school will consist of lectures, practical sessions, and seminars from young researchers. The focus will be on the gravitational wave emission from supernovae, proto-neutron stars and coalescing binaries, with an eye on the connection between astrophysical phenomena and the equation of state (EOS) of dense matter that defines the structure and macroscopic behaviour of these compact objects.

Teachers and topics:
* Tito Dal Canton (Virgo collaboration and IJCLab Orsay, France): Gravitational wave sources and data analysis
* Fiorella Burgio (INFN Catania, Italy): Ultra-dense matter of neutron stars and supernovas
* Gabriel Martinez-Pinedo (GSI and TU Darmstadt, Germany): Heavy element nucleosynthesis in neutron star mergers and its electromagnetic signatures
* Bruno Giacomazzo (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy): Numerical simulations of coalescing neutron star binaries
* Pablo Cerda-Duran (University of Valencia, Spain): Simulations of supernovae and gravitational wave emission from proto-neutron stars

More information on the website
Looking forward to meeting you in Aussois,
The organizing committee
Anthea Francesca Fantina, Francesca Gulminelli, Micaela Oertel, Jerome Novak, Marco Antonelli