Contact:  roberto.peron[AT]inaf.itLocation:  Trieste, Italy
The conference is devoted to all aspects of gravitational physics, with special regard towards new developments in theory, experiments and their interplay. The congress will provide plenary lectures and parallel sessions devoted to topical studies. Additional satellite events will include the award of the Amaldi Medal to two European scientists, who distinguished themselves in gravitational physics and the SIGRAV prize for young researchers, who carried out studies of particular interest in the field.
The parallel session “Experiments” is focused on performed, ongoing or planned experiments to explore the gravitational interaction and to test the predictions of general relativity and alternative theories of gravitation. These include laboratory, space and observational tests of fundamental principles (e.g. the Equivalence Principle), relativistic geodesy and celestial mechanics, gravitational waves, strong-field dynamics, galactic/extragalactic/cosmological issues. Experiments concept, description and results are welcome (also considering data analysis), along with state-of-the-art techniques and ideas for future experiments.