GRG Society Fellowships: 2024 call for nominations

More info:  external link

The International Society for General Relativity and Gravitation recognizes its outstanding members with Fellowships.

Any member of the Society can make nominations, but self nominations will not be considered.

A nomination packet consists of PDF files of: i) A letter summarizing the basis for nomination; ii) An updated CV and publication list of the nominee; iii) 1 to 3 supporting letters from the members of the Society, preferably from Fellows, and iv) A proposed citation. Letters should be no longer than 2 pages.

The deadline for submission is 31 December 2024.

Nomination packages should be submitted electronically to David Garfinkle (garfinkl[AT] If electronic submission is not possible, please mail to INTL SOC GEN REL GRAV, c/o David Garfinkle, Dept. of Physics, Oakland University, Mathematics and Science Center, Room 190, 146 Library Drive, Rochester, MI 48309, USA.