Blaumann’s Loop Quantum Gravity School, Les Houches, France

More info:  external link
Date:  2025-09-01  -  2025-09-12

Location:  Les Houches, France

This is a first announcement for the Blaumann’s Loop Quantum Gravity School in Les Houches, that will take place in Les Houches, Mont Blanc, France, on September 1 – 12, 2025. This two-week summer school is addressed mainly to PhD students, but open to advanced master students, as well as to postdocs and junior permanent researchers.

Places are limited, so please mark the date! And stay tuned for a second announcement in the fall with details on the registration, fees and program. The school will be supported by the Blaumann Foundation.

This is the first time that a school on Loop Quantum Gravity takes place in Les Houches, and an exciting opportunity to bring quantum gravity back to the foreground of Les Houches, where it was a central theme since its early days.

The school will introduce the general concepts of Loop Quantum Gravity, its roots into the most important features of classical general relativity, as well as the techniques and key results of the theory. In particular, attention will be given to applications to black hole physics (entropy counting, singularity resolution) and cosmology (big bounce scenarios, cosmological perturbations), and to the recent development of an interplay between quantum gravity and quantum information (entanglement entropy and subregions of spacetime), and the possibility of having table-top quantum gravity experiments (measuring gravity-mediated entanglement).

The program will be structured around two types of lectures: longer ones (6/8 hours) aimed at introducing basic aspects of the theory, and shorter ones (2/4 hours) aimed at more specific ongoing research topics and their techniques. The lectures will be complemented by round tables for discussions and working sessions in sub-groups of students and in interaction with the lecturers. Time will be put aside for Q&A sessions at the end of each cycle of lectures.

Some of the topics covered:
* Canonical Loop Quantum Gravity
* Spinfoam path integral formalism?
* Quantum black holes?
* Loop Quantum Cosmology
* Table-top quantum gravity?
* Numerical methods
* Quantum information and quantum spacetime
* Phenomenology of Quantum Gravity

Organisers: Eugenio Bianchi, Etera Livine, Carlo Rovelli, Simone Speziale, Francesca Vidotto