MSc in Gravitational Wave Physics, Cardiff, UK

More info:  external link

Location:  Cardiff, UK

Dear colleagues,
please share the announcement below with any undergraduate student interested in studying Gravitational-wave Physics:

The Gravity Exploration Institute ( at Cardiff University offers an MSc program in Gravitational-wave Physics:

Gravitational-wave observations are now transforming our understanding of the universe, and the field will continue to grow in the next decades.
The Gravitational Wave Physics MSc provides broad and comprehensive training in both theory and experiment in gravitational wave (GW) physics and astronomy: techniques in laser interferometry for GW detection, general relativity, astrophysics, modelling of GW sources, and data analysis for GW detection and source interpretation. Cardiff University staff are at the forefront of world-leading research in all of these areas, which span the core topics at the heart of the field, and which make this a unique degree programme.
On completion of the programme you will have the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to begin a research career in gravitational-wave physics, and be a competitive candidate for jobs in industry.