hyperspace@gu, previously setup as hyperspace@aei, replaces the QMUL hyperspace service, which has been maintained for 20 years by Malcolm MacCallum using a service similar to the one at the University of British Columbia. The Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) has also hosted the site under the name of hyperspace@aei from 2009 to 2014. Both hyperspace@aei and hyperspace@gu were designed by Luciano Rezzolla, who is also the editor. hyperspace@gu is currently hosted at the Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP) at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
This site is powered by WordPress. Additional PHP programming has been done by Marcus Thienert (web-support@aei.mpg.de) based on the original Python design by Robert Forkel. Additional support to hyperspace@aei was coming from Frank Schulz and Vera Osswald.