Tips for a successful announcement
Announcing an upcoming conference, a job opportunity, a general news can be done only by filling the forms (make sure JavaScript is enabled) that appear when following the relevant links on the top left sidebar of the Hyperspace site (i.e. “Post an AD”). The forms are designed so as to ask for all of the relevant data which is then post-processed and fed to the calendars or the bulletin. An important field is that of the “tag”, which is a reference string allowing you to organize multiple versions of your post (e.g., for successive announcements of a conference or for distinguishing different types of job offers). Any post made not using the forms or adehring to these guidelines will be trashed and the author will lose his/her author rights.
NOTES (make sure you have read these before your first post)
- Anonymous posts are allowed but will have to await moderation; posts by registered members will normally not be moderated.
- Posts must be self-contained and informative: cut-and-paste posts devoid of factual information and which serve as simple pointers to other websites will be ignored.
- Posts from registered users are made public immediately (although they may be polished later on by the editor). So check online what you have posted.
- A post should only be done following the links “Post an Ad” on the left sidebar and by providing all the required information (creation of posts as “author” breaks the scripts and will not be tolerated).
- A post should belong to one category only (i.e., Jobs, Conferences, News, Codes). If your post has mixed information, post it as two different announcements. Reminders will be published as “News”.
- Renewed (second, third, etc.) announcements of a published post are not allowed unless they involve radical changes in the announcement (e.g., cancelations, changes in scope or venue). Minor changes to a post are possible and will appear online but these will not be broadcasted in the monthly bulletin to avoid inflated and repetitive information.
- To make the bulletin readable also by older mailers, only ASCII text should be used. Hence, no html formatting is possible in the ads and the text should not contain any non-ASCII character such as à, ä, etc. So refrain from using bold, italics or unicode characters as these will be removed.
- For the same reason, do not introduce html-type links as these are not allowed by WordPress. If you wish to indicate a link, just report it in plain text, e.g., and not as “<a href=””>hyperspace</a>”.
- E-mail addresses in blog posts will not automatically be obfuscated. You may want to replace “” with “[AT]” or something similar.
- A newsletter, the hyperspace Bulletin is sent out to mailing list subscribers on the 2nd of each month (editorial deadline is the last day of the previous month).
- A post made by a registered author can be edited at any time. A login is necessary for this.
We encourage you to register at hyperspace@gu! This is easy and needs to be done only once using the registration form. Only registered users are permitted to edit their Hyperspace posts and modify their personal informationdata. Registration will also allow you to enjoy all the potential of hyperspace@gu for the exchange of information on general relativity and gravitation.
Should you have a problem with the browser, you can always send your post as an email to the editor (hyperspace AT
Error Handling
If your post has not been successful or you have been sent back to this page, please try again and make sure to fill in all required fields (*)!