Contact: Pina.BARBARO[AT]; annapia.delbeato[AT]; federica.diberardino[AT]
Location: Ventimiglia, Italy and Nice, France
Registration at:
A reduced fee of 350 EUR will be applied prior to June 15th, 2010. After this date the fee will be 450 EUR.
Dear Colleagues,
The 2nd Galileo-XuGuangqi meeting follows the 1st meeting of this series held on October 2009 in Shanghai. The goal is to create once a year a forum for strategic exchanges between eastern and western science at the highest level dealing with Relativistic Astrophysics and related fundamental theoretical, experimental and observational fields. We plan to continue the format of this meeting addressing topics generally related to Relativistic Astrophysics and theoretical and observational topics. The aim is to enlarge the audience from the one strictly Chinese and Italian to one embracing European and western scientific interests and the Eastern ones. In this sense a broader participation from Korea and Taiwan has been encouraged, as well as a participation of scientists from Europe and the Americas.
The 2nd Galileo – Xu Guanqi meeting will be limited to 90 participants and will be held on July 11 – 17, 2010. It represents a collaboration between the University of Nice – Sophie Antipolis, ICRANet, University of Genova, University of Roma “La Sapienza”, Institute for the Early Universe, APCTP, ENEA, Embassy of Italy in Seoul, Stockholm University, NAOC, INFN, Korean Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Cote d’Azur Observatory, Free University of Berlin, ICTP. The lectures will take place at the splendid Hanbury Villa ( on the border between Italy and France on the Riviera. A special visit will be planned on the 14th of July to Villa Ratti, Nice, where a new ICRANet Center is going to be inaugurated.
This 2nd Galileo –Xu Guangqi meeting will be the occasion to establish the lectures of the IRAP PhD program sponsored by the European Community, which will be delivered starting from September 2010 at the University of Nice – Sophia Antipolis. Such a program sees the participation of the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, the University of Savoie, the University of Stockholm, the University of Berlin, the University of Ferrara, the University of Roma, ICRANet, Observatoire de la Cote d’Azur, the Tartu Observatory, the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, the Albert Einstein Institut, the Indian Centre for Space Physics and the Brazilian Centre for Physics Research. The ten selected international students, four from Europe and six from Asia and the Americas, will participate in these lectures.
The preliminary program can be downloaded clicking on the following link: On the webpage you can find the list of titles and abstracts too.
Moreover, on the same page you can find a list of hotels; you can directly contact the hotel you prefer, indicating you are taking part in the conference in order to have the special rate reserved for the participants. A transportation to and from Villa Hanbury in the morning and at the end of the afternoon session will be provided. There will be the possibility of having lunch in the Garden of the Villa.
Li-Zhi Fang and Remo Ruffini,
Co-Chairs of the “2nd Galileo – Xu Guanqgi meeting”