IRAP PhD and Erasmus Mundus Workshop: From Nuclei to White Dwarfs and Neutron Stars (2nd announcement)

More info:  external link

Location:  Les Houches, France

The workshop is promoted by ICRANet within the International Relativistic Astrophysics Ph. D. Program (IRAP Ph D) and the ERASMUS MUNDUS activities. Lectures will be presented by leading Physicists and Astrophysicists working in the interface of Nuclear Physics, White Dwarfs, Neutron Star Physics and Black Holes Physics. Special attention is being devoted to the new scenarios presented by the observations of X-ray bursters, Gamma Ray Bursts and Supernovae.

Lecturers include: Aksenov Aleksey, Arnett David, Baym Gordon, Bianco Carlo Luciano, Bisnovaty-Kogan Gennady, Casey Meakin (TBC), Chardonnet Pascal, Chechetkin Valery, Della Valle Massimo, Fuller George (TBC), Izzo Luca, Lattimer Jim, Meynet George, Mezzacappa Anthony, Nadyozhin Dmitrij K., Ott Christian, Pelletier Guy, Pethick Chris, Psaltis Dimitrios(TBC), Rotondo Michael, Rueda Jorge A., Ruffini Remo, Vereshchagin Gregory, Xue She-Sheng

All interested scientists and students can register themselves using the form on the webpages:

The registration fee is 350€ and it includes accommodation, lunches, coffee breaks and the proceedings publication.

You can find information on how to reach Les Houches on the website: the nearest airport is the Geneva one, that is 1 hour drive, then there are many public and private shuttle services from the airport to the conference location. As regards accommodation, there are 70 chalets in the school: they are single-rooms with toilet facilities. If you are interested in booking one of them, please send a mail to annapia.delbeato[AT] with information on your name, surname, age and sex. You can settle into your room from 6pm on Sunday evening; you should leave your room on Friday morning, after the breakfast.