[2nd Anouncement] Vorticity on Different Scales: from the Cosmological to the Microscopic

More info:  external link

Location:  London, UK

Dear All,

Vorticity on Different Scales is a half-day meeting to be held at the Royal Astronomical Society, Burlington House on Thursday 14th July from 1pm. The aim of this meeting is to encourage discussion between scientists from different disciplines studying vorticity in different settings — talk titles and abstracts are now available on the website.

Attendance at the meeting will be free, although since space in the venue is limited we request that participants register their attendance by emailing one of the organisers. There will be limited travel support for young researchers based outside London. Participants are encouraged to bring along posters on their vorticity research and related topics which will be displayed during the meeting.

For more information and to register your interest go to the meeting webpage (https://wiki.maths.qmul.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/CosmologyAndRelativity/VorticityMeeting2011).


Adam Christopherson (a.christopherson[AT]qmul.ac.uk)

Cesar Lopez-Monsalvo (cslm1x07[AT]soton.ac.uk)

Karim Malik (k.malik[AT]qmul.ac.uk)