MG13 will take place at Stockholm University in Stockholm, Sweden on July 1-7, 2012. Preregistration will take place Sunday, July 1, and the meeting will officially open Monday morning, July 2, when the Marcel Grossmann prizes will be awarded. During the six day conference a wide variety of topics will be discussed in the morning plenary sessions beginning with mathematical topics on Monday, quantum aspects of gravity on Tuesday, precision tests of general relativity on Wednesday, relativistic astrophysics on Thursday, cosmology and astroparticle physics on Friday and the latest scientific news and the history of physics Saturday. There will be five plenary lectures each morning and up to twenty parallel sessions in the four weekday afternoons excluding Wednesday, which is left free for a trip and the evening conference banquet. The plenary lectures will be held in the Aula Magna lecture hall and the parallel sessions at the AlbaNova University Center, both easily reachable by public transportation from the city center.
The local organizing committee is chaired by Prof. Kjell Rosquist. Together with the chairs of the International Organizing Committee, Prof. Remo Ruffini, and the International Coordinating Committee, Prof. Robert Jantzen, the first actions will be to announce a first draft of the plenary and parallel session programs including some chairpersons who have already volunteered, with others to be added later.
Major international sponsors, in addition to the Swedish universities, are IUPAP, ICRA and ICRANet, ICTP, TWAS, and all the universities and research centers participating in the joint Ph.D. program in relativistic Astrophysics: the IRAP PhD Erasmus Mundus program.
Early registration at 350€ will be available online December 15th 2011 through June 15th 2012, after which the registration fee will be 400€. The student fee is 150€.
New members have been added to the International Committees and the final version of the poster is now available for download at the meeting website.
Since 1975, the Marcel Grossmann Meetings (on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation, and Relativistic Field Theories) have been organized in order to provide opportunities for discussing recent advances in gravitation, general relativity and relativistic field theories, emphasizing mathematical foundations, physical predictions and experimental tests. The objective of these meetings is to elicit exchange among scientists that may deepen our understanding of spacetime structures as well as to review the status of ongoing experiments aimed at testing Einstein’s theory of gravitation either from the ground or from space.