Pau Amaro-Seoane, Rainer Spurzem, Yun-Kau Lau and Fukun Liu are planning a 5-day informal meeting on “Black Hole Growth in the Universe: Astrophysical Modelling of super- and massive black holes and their environment” to be held at the NAOC in Beijing from Monday 3 to Friday 7th September 2012. Again, as every year, “informal” means here no registration fee, nor poster presentation, nor proceedings. The meeting is thought to be run in the style of Aspen/ITP/Newton Institute/Modest meetings, with plenty of time for discussions, just as Astro-GR has always been run.
The workshop will bring together astrophysicists (observers and theoreticians), cosmologists and relativists, with the goal of building new collaborative relationships -as well as strengthening existing ones- focused on the interpretation of gravitational wave observations as a tool of astronomical discovery and a probe of the fundamental physics of gravity.