Karl Schwarzschild Meeting 2013, Frankfurt, Germany (2nd circular)

More info:  external link
Date:  2013-07-22  -  2013-07-26

Location:  Frankfurt am Main, Germany

The first Karl Schwarzschild Meeting (KSM) on Gravitational Physics will be held in Frankfurt am Main, Germany on 22-26 July, 2013. The meeting will bring together both working specialists in the field of black holes and rising young researchers to foster new conversations and collaborations. Invited speakers will deliver plenary talks on a wide range of black hole theory, highlighting their applications to astrophysics, cosmology, particle physics, and strongly correlated systems.

In addition to plenary talks, several sessions devoted to the next generation of gravitational physicists. The senior scientists will also serve as “mentors” to the attending younger generation of researchers.

We invite abstracts from both senior researchers, postdocs and students pursuing research in the fields covered by the meeting.

The early registration fee is 200 EUR (including the conference dinner) by June 15. After this date the fee is 350 EUR (including the conference dinner). For more information about the KSM follow the conference website and the related links about the program and registration or write ksm2013@fias.uni-frankfurt.de.

The current list of confirmed key note speakers includes:

Alfio Bonanno (Catania Astrophysical Observatory)
Silke Britzen (MPI for Radioastronomy, Bonn)
Bernard Carr (QMU, London)
Georgi Dvali (LMU and MPI for Physics, Munich & NYU)
Steven Gubser (Princeton U.)
Andreas Karch (Washington U., Seattle)
Claus Laemmerzahl (Bremen U. and ZARM, Bremen)
Greg Landsberg, (Brown U. and CERN)
Frank Linhard (Frankfurt U.)
Reinhard Meinel (Jena U.)
Robert Mann (Waterloo U. and Perimeter Institute)
John Moffat (Waterloo U. and Perimeter Institute)
Leonardo Modesto (Fudan U., Shanghai)
Thanu Padmanabhan (IUCAA, Pune)
Luciano Rezzolla (MPI for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam)
Kellog Stelle (Imperial College, London)
Leonard Susskind (Stanford U.)
Herman Verlinde (Princeton U.)
Robert Wald (Chicago U. and EFI, Chicago)
Clifford Will (Florida U., Gainesville and Washington U., Saint Louis)

Scientific Advisory Board

Jacob Bekenstein (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Ted Jacobson (University of Maryland, College Park)
Joseph Polchinski (University of California and KITP, Santa Barbara)
Martin Reuter (Johannes-Gutenberg University, Mainz)
Carlo Rovelli (Aix-Marseille University and CPT Marseille)
Dam T. Son (University of Chicago).

Organizing Committee

Marcus Bleicher (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Matthias Kaminski (University of Washington, Seattle)
Jonas Mureika (Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles)
Piero Nicolini (Goethe University Frankfurt)
