Contact:  RPS.Galileo.ESA[AT]fmf.uni-lj.siLocation:  Prague, Czech Republic
Dear Colleague,
We would like to invite you to submit a contribution to the Physics Session of the 4th International Colloquium “Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme”.
This colloquium intends to bring together leading members of the European scientific community and their international partners. One of its aims is to propose to those in charge of Galileo operations and development means of enhancing the scientific use of Galileo and to contribute to GNSS development based on scientific approaches.
During this colloquium the various possibilities to use navigation satellites such as Galileo satellites for scientific purposes shall be reviewed and the question of how these scientific applications can contribute to make the most of the present systems, and define their future evolution will be discussed. The conference will be organized as a series of plenary talks and two parallel half day sessions.
The colloquium will address three major areas of research:
1) The fundamental aspects of navigation via satellite signals, in particular those of Galileo: geodetic and temporal reference frames, on board and ground clocks, orbit determination, radiation environment in orbit, fundamental aspects of L-band signal propagation, tropospheric and ionospheric corrections, calibration / validation of time and position determination.
2) Scientific applications in meteorology, geodesy, geophysics, space physics, oceanography, land surface and ecosystem studies, using either direct or reflected signals, differential measurements, phase measurements, radio occultation measurements, using receivers placed on the ground, in airplanes or on satellites.
3) Scientific developments in physics, dealing with future GNSS, particularly in testing relativistic gravitation, in astronomy, in quantum communication; inter-satellite links as operational and scientific tool.
Papers will be selected on the basis of abstracts of 600-800 words in length by session convener and the colloquium scientific committee. Abstracts should contain the following information:
· Colloquium name (4th International Colloquium “Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme”) and proposed topic for the paper
· Topic Code(s) (see “Topics” section below)
· Title of paper
· Name and affiliation of author(s)
· Addresses, e-mail, telephone and fax numbers
· Abstract of the paper
· Name of the principal author or contact person
The author(s) should also indicate whether the paper is proposed for an oral or poster presentation. Abstracts should be submitted before the 30 of April 2013 to the ESA Conference Bureau. They may be submitted by using the form on the Web address:
Authors will be notified of the decision of the programme committee by the 1st of July 2013. Author(s) whose papers have been accepted will then receive instructions for the preparation of their full-length paper. The deadline for paper submission is 1 of August 2013. The proceedings (CD-ROM) will be distributed during the Colloquium.
30 April 2013
Abstract deadline (extended) 14 July 2013 (later abstract for the RPS session will be considered) Authors notification and preliminary programme 1 August 2013 Final papers due 15 October 2013
General questions can be addressed to esa.conference.bureau[AT]
Further information on the Physics session and in particular on the Relativistic frames and Relativistic positioning session can be addressed to RPS.Galileo.ESA[AT]
The following web address: provides detailed information on the colloquium.
Abstracts of original papers are solicited for inclusion in the colloquium programme. The following list of topics can be used as a guideline (please use the code relating to the topic of your paper when submitting your abstract):
Earth Sciences
The colloquium will address three major areas of research:
E01 Geodesy
E02 Geodynamics
E03 Global Tectonics
E04 Reference Frames
E05 Ionosphere/Space weather
E06 Troposphere
E07 Climatology
E08 Disaster monitoring
E09 Gravity field
E10 GNSS remote sensing
E11 GNSS reflectometry Physics
P01 Space-Time symmetries
P02 Fundamental constants
P03 Relativistic reference frames
P04 Relativistic positioning
P05 Equivalence Principle
P06 General Relativity and beyond
P07 Astrometry, VLBI, Pulsar Timing Metrology
M01 Atomic Clocks (Optical and Microwave) M02 Galileo timing system
M03 Time scales and time comparison
M04 Inter-satellite links
M05 Precise Orbit and gravity field determination M06 Signal propagation aspects
M07 Positioning and navigation