Contact:  rezzolla[AT]th.physik.uni-frankfurt.deLocation:  Frankfurt, Germany
The Department of Relativistic Theoretical Astrophysics at the Institute for Theoretical Physics in Frankfurt anticipates the opening of several postdoctoral positions to carry our research in Relativistic and Computational Astrophysics, at Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The newly founded department is chaired by L. Rezzolla and presently includes D. Alic, F. Galeazzi, F. Guercilena, B. Mundim, K. Takami, A. Tsokaros, and A. Zhydenko. Very close connections and collaborations are present with the Albert Einstein Institute in Potsdam.
The candidates should have a PhD in astrophysics, physics or applied mathematics and research experience in numerical simulations in numerical relativity, relativistic hydrodynamics and MHD. Scientific-computing skills are essential, as well as a theoretical background in relativistic hydrodynamics and MHD. Candidates with knowledge in alternative theories of gravity and accretion flows onto compact objects are particularly encouraged to apply. The successful candidates will contribute to the modelling of the radiative emission from the galactic center and to the modelling of the multi-messenger emission from inspiralling binaries of compact objects.
Applicants should upload a CV, a publication list, a research summary and proposal, and should arrange for 3 letters of reference to be sent to the address above.
The deadline for applications is Jan. 31st, 2014 and appointments will begin in the fall of 2014. Applications should be made electronically and sent to:
Fr. Astrid Steidl
For further information please email Luciano Rezzolla (rezzolla[AT]