Post Doctoral position at Parma University, Italy

More info:  external link
Deadline:  2014-03-28

Location:  Parma, Italy

The Gravitational Physics Group at the University of Parma ( announces an opening for a 1-year Post-Doctoral position involving research in “Porting and developing of Algorithms to GPU Enhanced Parallel System”. Main activity will be the porting of Numerical Relativity simulation programs to GPU architecture.

The position is funded by the INFN SUMA project ( and the activity of the project will be hosted at Parma University. The term of the contract is an “INFN Assegno di Ricerca” and the salary (after taxes) will be around 1600 Euro/month.

Applications should be done following the indication of the official posting of the position The dead line is March 28, 2014.

For any enquire or help on how to apply for the position please contact by email Prof. Roberto De Pietri (roberto.depietri _at_

Please note that: “Le domande di partecipazione al concorso, redatte in carta semplice, secondo lo schema unito al presente bando (Allegato n. 1), sottoscritte dagli interessati, devono essere inoltrate, a mezzo raccomandata A.R., presso la sede della Sezione Milano Bicocca dell’I.N.F.N. entro e non oltre trenta giorni dalla data del bando di concorso”
