
More info:  external link
Date:  2014-07-14  -  2014-07-18

Location:  Rome, Italy

Dear all,

We are happy to announce:

What: Astro-GR/VESF-School@Rome
Where: INAF- Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma,
Via Frascati 33,
00040 Monteporzio-Catone (Roma), Italy
When: 14-18 July 2014

This year’s Astro-GR workshop will be run jointly with the Virgo EGO Science Forum (VESF) in order to provide also young scientists and student from the VESF community with an opportunity to listen to the presentation and participate in the discussion.

Please visit this URL to register:

The meeting is co-sponsored by the Virgo EGO Science Forum (VESF), the Italian National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF) and the Albert Einstein Institute (AEI).

This workshop will bring together experts from the astrophysical community (in particular scientists working in the field of multiwavelength observations, evolution and dynamics of stellar systems and astrometry) and experts in gravitational wave (GW) research (both from the experiments and theory).

The goal is to stimulate the interest and foster the collaboration across the GW and astrophysical communities in one of the most challenging and exciting scientific enterprises of the 2010’s. Outstanding scientific issues will be outlighted which can only be addressed through the collaboration of these communities. The program that we are presently finalizing comprises reviews by a number of leading experts.

The format and venue for Astro-GR/VESF-school@Rome will limit the number of attendees, to some 50-60. Please register soon to avoid disappointment.

In keeping with the spirit of an informal workshop, the registration fee will be kept to a minimum of 150 that will include lunch and the social dinner.

Looking forward to seeing you in Rome,

Pau, Raffaella and Luigi