Date: 2014-12-07 - 2014-12-12
Contact: rigopoulos[AT]
Location: Passo del Tonale - Italy
The Transregional Collaborative Research Centre TRR33 is glad to announce the Eighth TRR33 Winter School on Cosmology. The school is aimed at Master/PhD students and postdocs and will cover both theoretical and observational aspects of modern cosmology.
The lecture series will be delivered by
Julien Lesgourgues (CERN/EPFL)
Overview Lectures
Stefano Ettori (INAF – Bologna Observatory)
Galaxy Clusters
Gabriella De Lucia (INAF – Trieste Observatory)
Galaxy Formation and Evolution
Paul Shellard (DAMTP, University of Cambridge)
The Early Universe and the CMB
Massimo Pietroni (University of Padova)
Structure Formation in the Universe
Registration is OPEN: the deadline is 6th October 2014. To register, please visit our website:
Given the large number of applications we strongly suggest an early registration, well in advance of the deadline. Note that we will accept a maximum of 40 participants.
Please email us with any further questions at[AT]
Follow us on our Facebook page
or on twitter using the hashtag #trr33tonale for announcements and reminders
Please check the homepage of the school for more information:
See you in Tonale!
the Organizing Committee
Luisa Jaime,
Matteo Maturi,
Gerasimos Rigopoulos,
Eduard Thommes,
Georg Wolschin,
Miguel Zumalacarregui