Compact stars and black holes at black sea, Nesebar, Bulgaria

More info:  external link
Date:  2015-07-08  -  2015-07-10

Location:  Nesebar, Bulgaria

The workshop “Compact stars and black holes at black sea” will be held in Nesebar, Bulgaria, from 8th to 10th of July 2015. It will be devoted to neutron star and black hole models and dynamics in both classical general relativity and alternative theories of gravity. The topics will cover a variety of subjects ranging from theoretical models to astrophysical implications and confrontation with observations. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together leading experts in these fields and to encourage interdisciplinary interactions. The goal is to critically discuss existing and come up with new strategies for testing the strong field regime of Einstein’s theory of gravity and its generalizations. The workshop’s organization aims to give the speakers an optimal time for presentations followed by thorough discussions in order to encourage interaction between the scientists.

The list of invited speakers covers a wide range of specialist:

Haris Apostolatos (Athens)
Cosimo Bambi (Shanghai)
Salvatore Capozziello (Naples)
Yavuz Ekşi (Istanbul)
Kostas Glampedakis (TBC) (Murcia)
Pablo Laguna (Atlanta)
Paul Lasky (Melbourne)
Jose Lemos (Lisbon)
Sergei Odintsov (Barcelona)
George Pappas (Nottingham)
Luciano Rezzolla (TBC) (Frankfurt)
Deirdre Shoemaker (Atlanta)
Hajime Sotani (Tokyo)
Thomas Sotiriou (Nottingham)
Nikolaos Stergioulas (Thessaloniki)

The workshop is partially sponsored by the Alexander von Humboldt foundation via a Research Group Linkage Programme.

The Organising Committee

D. Doneva
K. Kokkotas
S. Yazadjiev