Program and a new abstract submission policy of the MG14 meeting

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The list of invited speakers for the plenary session in MG14 is published on the MG14 website:

The date grid of parallel sessions in MG14 is published on the MG14 website: There are about hundred parallel sessions in all fields of Relativistic Astrophysics.

A new procedure for abstract submission has been adopted: when submitting an abstract, it is required also to upload a PDF file with a short summary of the contribution (2 pages for posters, 4 pages for oral contributions, 10 pages for plenary talks) including a complete reference list. The main reason for this new policy is twofold. First, in this way the chairpersons will have more information to evaluate and submit to referee each contribution for acceptance as well as to allocate the appropriate time slots. Second, when the program will be finalized, before the meeting, all the summaries of the accepted contributions (possibly updated, upon chairperson decisions) will be made available to all participants via the conference web page and, after the meeting, they will be published in the MG14 Proceedings Volumes. Detailed instructions on the summary PDF preparation will be available on the abstract submission web page and will be sent via e-mail to all who already registered.
