Contact: lechtenf[AT]
Two months ago a new European network within the COST framework was inaugurated:
MPNS COST Action MP1405
Quantum structure of spacetime (QSPACE)
Up to now 25 European countries (plus Japan as partner) have signed up so far. We shall soon have a dedicated website, but for now, further information can be found here. The network does not fund positions but workshops, training schools, visits etc. Among its various activities, the so-called `short term scientific missions’ (STSMs) play a central role. These are visits of a researcher from one participating country to a colleague in another, for 5-90 days (180 days if PhD was < 8 yrs ago). Here now comes the first call for such STSMs within our COST Action. So please spread among your colleagues the attached call, since anyone from a COST member country may participate. For your information, I also attach a presentation of the COST rules. We hope for a good number of qualified applications. With kind regards, Olaf Lechtenfeld