Summer News of the Chalonge-de Vega School, Paris, France

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Summer News of the Chalonge – de Vega School

1. All presentations during the Chalonge – de Vega 20th Paris Cosmology Colloquium 2016 are available on line in pdf format in “Programme and Lecturers .pdf ” here:

Contents: Peter Biermann , Maria Cristina Falvella, Anastasia Fialkov, Gerard Gilmore, Mattew Greenhouse, Dmytro Iakubovskyi, Anthony Lasenby, Nicola Menci, Felix Mirabel, Sinziana Paduroiu, Paolo Salucci, Norma G. Sanchez, George F. Smoot, Benjamin Wandelt Casey Watson, Christian Weinheimer.

The Album of Pictures of the Colloquium is available here:

2. The Hector J. DE VEGA MEDAL was presented and awarded. A Summary of the medal presentations is available here:

Click to access HectordeVegaMedal.pdf

3. The HIGHLIGHTS and CONCLUSIONS of the Meudon Workshop 2016: Warm Dark Matter Astrophysics in Agreement with Observations and keV Sterile Neutrinos is available here:

On line presentations of the Meudon WDM Workshop

4. The full Programme 2016 and Sessions:

We thank all again, for having contributed so much to these meetings and we look forward to seeing you again in the next events of this series.

With Compliments and kind regards

Norma G. Sanchez and the Chalonge de Vega School Team