Contact:  bruno.giacomazzo[AT]unitn.itLocation:  Trento, Italy
The Physics department of the University of Trento invites applications for PhD fellowships starting in November 2017.
The PhD fellowships have a duration of 3 years and a gross salary of 13638.47 EUR per year (about 1000 EUR per month after taxes).
The PhD program covers several scientific areas, including also Theoretical and Computational Physics. More details about the doctoral school in Physics can be found at
The Department of Physics includes faculty members working on computational astrophysics (Giacomazzo), nuclear astrophysics (Leidemann, Lovato, Pederiva), gravitational wave detectors (Dolesi, Perreca, Prodi, Vitale, Weber), theory of general relativity and cosmology (Rinaldi, Vanzo, Zerbini). Students with interests in one of these areas are strongly encouraged to apply.
Applications for the doctoral positions are accepted from candidates, regardless of gender, age, and nationality, who have a Master’s degree (equivalent to the Italian “laurea magistrale”). Any degree in Physics or related disciplines will be given preferential status. Applications are also accepted from students who expect to get their degree by October 31 2017.
The University of Trento is ranked among the top 5 universities in Italy and it is characterized by an international and diverse student population. The city of Trento is located on the Italian Dolomites and it is very well connected with several destinations in Italy and Europe.
The deadline for applications is August 30 2017 at 4 pm Italian time. The selection will be based on the curriculum of the candidate and on an oral exam (candidates permanently residing abroad by the date of the oral exam may take the exam by phone or videoconference in their country of residence).
More information about the application process can be found here: