Contact:  idobd[AT]  Ariel, Israel
The workshop brings together experimentalists and theorists working on Early Universe processes that generate gravitational waves on various scales. It is in a workshop format giving ample time for free discussion among participants. The final day of the workshop will be devoted to a tour in Jerusalem.
Topics to be addressed:
Status of Inflationary Theory,
Alternative Early Universe Theories,
Present and Future CMB Observations,
Status of LIGO and LISA,
Stochastic Gravitational Waves and Observations.
Accommodation: Reduced hotel rates for workshop participants at Gilgal Hotel in Tel Aviv near the sea shore ( The reservation can be booked by mail Manager[AT] with the mail subject: “Ariel’s Workshop”. There will be a morning and evening shuttle from the hotel to the University and back and also a shuttle from the hotel to Jerusalem to those that signed up for the tour. A limited number of rooms are also available at the Student’s dorms in Ariel as well.