Contact:  ppgcosmo[AT]cosmo-ufes.orgLocation:  Brazil
PPGCosmo is an international PhD program on Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravitation that aims to give PhD students the opportunity to develop a successful international scientific career. The research topics range from theoretical to observational aspects of Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravitation, including participation in collaborations such as the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, Euclid, J-PAS and LSST. PPGCosmo is a Brazilian program consisting of six institutions from Brazil and four institutions from outside Brazil.
The call for applications for 4-year PhD positions expected to start in August 2020 is now open. The student will be supervised by a Professor at a Brazilian institution and co-supervised by a Professor at an associated PPGCosmo institution preferably outside Brazil.
Please see or for further information.