Gravitational-wave positions at Ghent University, Belgium

More info:  external link
Deadline:  2021-02-12

Location:  Ghent, Belgium

The Ghent Gravity Group in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Ghent University is seeking applications for PhD and postdoctoral positions. The newly-formed group is led by Archisman Ghosh and Dirk Ryckbosch. Research interests of the group span analysis of Advanced LIGO/Virgo and KAGRA data, cosmology and strong-field gravity using gravitational-wave observations, future observatories including the Einstein Telescope, and instrument science for the ETpathfinder project. The group is embedded within the Experimental Particle Physics division of the Department of Physics and Astronomy. We benefit from the local neutrino observations (IceCube, SoLid), astronomy and theory groups. We form a network with neighbouring universities in Belgium (Antwerp, Leuven, Louvain, Brussel, Bruxelles, and Liege) and are also closely connected with institutes in the Netherlands (Nikhef, University of Amsterdam, Utrecht University, Leiden University, and Maastricht University). We are seeking the following profiles.

1. A PhD student to work on gravitational-wave data analysis supervised by Archisman Ghosh. The topic of research will include (but not necessarily be limited to) standard-siren cosmology using gravitational-wave observations. The position is available immediately, and could start at any convenient date, preferably no later than 01 September 2021. PhD positions in Belgium are for a duration of 4 years.
2. A postdoc to work on the ETpathfinder project. Depending on the expertise of the postdoc, this could be an independent position, or one co-supervised jointly between Stefan Hild (Maastricht University) and members in Ghent (Dirk Ryckbosch and Archisman Ghosh). There would be the option to spend up to 60% of the time in Maastricht. Emphasis of the work will be on aspects of the ultra-high vacuum systems and cryogenics aspects of the ETpathfinder project. The position is available immediately (the starting date is negotiable), and will be for a duration of 3 years.
3. Subject to funding, an additional postdoc to work on gravitational-wave data analysis to complement the current expertise of the group. The position will be for 3 years.

For the PhD position, applications should include: (i) a statement of interest (up to two pages), (ii) a brief academic CV, (iii) a list of grades, (iv) title and abstract of masters thesis (if applicable), and additionally (v) two letters of reference (to be sent directly by the referees).

For the postdoctoral positions, applications should include: (i) an application letter, (ii) an academic CV, (iii) a list of publications, (iv) a statement of past and proposed research, and additionally (v) three letters of reference (to be sent directly by the referees).

The deadline for applications is 12 February 2021, but the positions are available until filled.

Applications including letters of reference are to be sent to gravity[AT]

The language of communication in the research groups is English, and there are no special language requirements for the advertised positions. Information on international life in Ghent is available at The Square.Gent.

For more information about the positions, please contact Archisman Ghosh (archisman.ghosh[AT]