Sixteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity (MG16, 3rd announcement, online)

More info:  external link

We are happy to present the official poster of MG16 with explanatory text as well as MG16 special poster celebrating the 50th anniversary of the article “Introducing the Black Hole” and the black hole mass energy formula with explanatory text

The MG Awards will be announced this week.

The deadline for registration has been postponed to June 15, 2021 with regular fee of 150 Euro and reduced fee of 80 Euro applicable to students, retired scientists and auditors.

We recall that the abstract submission deadline is June 15, 2021.

The meeting program will include a set of plenary lectures, public lectures, round tables as well as parallel sessions. The program will be published after June 15.

More information will be available on MG16 website:

Remo Ruffini, University of Rome, on behalf of the International Organizing Committee
Robert Jantzen, Villanova University, on behalf of the International
Coordinating Committee
Gregory Vereshchagin, ICRANet, on behalf of the Local Organizing Committee
