Deadline: 2021-11-30
Contact: olivera.miskovic[AT]
Location: Valparaiso, Chile
The Institute of Physics at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso (PUCV) in Chile is opening a full-time academic position in the areas of cosmology and gravitation. The Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravity group of the PUCV consists of 8 faculty members working in cosmology and gravity (Dumitru Astefanesei, Radouane Gannouji, Ramon Herrera, Samuel Lepe, Olivera Miskovic, Jorge Norena, Joel Saavedra and Nelson Videla), 3 postdocs and over 20 graduate and postgraduate students.
Candidates with research interests in the areas of cosmology, early and late universe physics, modified gravity, black hole physics, classical and quantum (super)gravity, AdS/CFT and their interface with mathematical physics are encouraged to apply. Kindly note that this position is not suitable for researchers currently working mainly in astrophysics and astronomy.
The candidate must hold a PhD in Physics, show to be an active researcher in one of the proposed areas and demonstrate ability to obtain external (to PUCV) funding. He/she should submit a cover letter with a statement of research and an arXiv author identifier, curriculum vitae, a PhD degree proof and two recommendation letters to Prof. Olivera Miskovic olivera.miskovic[AT] The shortlist candidates could be interviewed remotely during the selection process.
The results will be published in January 2022. The appointment is expected to commence not before March 2022.