Contact:  pharos_conference2022[AT]ice.csic.esLocation:  Rome, Italy
We are glad to announce that registration and abstract submission are open for the upcoming PHAROS Conference 2022 on “The multi-messenger physics and astrophysics of neutron stars” that will be held on May 16-19, 2022 in La Sapienza University of Rome (Italy).
You can find more information at the conference website, where you will also find the registration and abstract submission forms:
Invited speakers:
Marco Antonelli
Stefano Ascenzi
Anna Bilous
Alice Borghese
Enrico Bozzo
Benoit Cerutti
Colin Clark (TBC)
Paolo D’Avanzo
Rossella Gamba
Michael Kramer
Sam Lander
Lina Levin Preston
Arianna Miraval Zanon
Helena Pais
Albino Perego
Luigi Piro
Geert Raaijmakers
Kaustubh Rajwade
Tania Regimbau
Stephan Rosswog
Benjamin Shaw (TBC)
Alicia Sintes
Luigi Stella
Thomas Tauris
Laura Tolos
Alejandro Torres-Forne’
Roberto Turolla
Silvia Zane
The meeting is planned to be held fully in presence, but if this will not be possible, a hybrid or totally remote format will be implemented. We expect to update you on that in early April 2022.
We hope to see you all in Rome very soon!
Best regards,
Nanda Rea, Leonardo Gualtieri, Gianluca Israel, Paola Leaci, Alessandro Papitto on behalf of the SOC and LOC