Contact:  workshop[AT]einsteintoolkit.orgLocation:  Moscow, Idaho, USA
We are pleased to announce that the 2022 North American Einstein Toolkit School will be held at the University of Idaho June 13-17, 2022. This will be a hybrid meeting, with both in-person and virtual attendees welcome to participate. The school will provide an opportunity for researchers and students to gather and learn about the Einstein Toolkit.
The Einstein Toolkit provides a community-driven software platform of computational tools to advance and support research in relativistic astrophysics and gravitational physics. As such, the Workshop will offer a mixture of talks and tutorials designed to build a community around this important research and the software that helps sustain it. The talks will report on both the latest developments in numerical relativity, as well as new applications of the Einstein Toolkit to generate interesting science.
This year, a special field trip will be offered for in-person participants to nearby LIGO Hanford, whose direct observation of the gravitational waves from a coalescing pair of black holes led to the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics. During the visit, LIGO Hanford will be gearing up for the start of O4 (Observing Run 4), due to start at the end of this year. On the same day, virtual participants will have the opportunity to attend an Einstein Toolkit hackathon.
Event dates : June 13-17, 2022.
Event location: University of Idaho & virtually
Registration and abstract submission: Opens March 1, and will remain open through May 1. To register or learn more, please visit our webpage:
If you have any questions, please contact the organizers at
We look forward to seeing you there!
The Scientific Organizing Committee