Contact:  paolo.pani[AT]uniroma1.itLocation:  Rome, Italy
The Physics Department at Sapienza University of Rome is planning to open a call for a fixed-term (3 yr) Researcher Position (RTDa) in high-performance computing in astrophysics, cosmology, and gravity theory. The position is funded by the new National HPC Center created with the PNRR (Next Generation EU) funds. This project involves the extragalactic astrophysics, the cosmology, the gravity theory and gravitational-wave phenomenology, and the particle-physics theory groups at Sapienza. The appointment is for 3 years and must start no later than March 2023. A minimum mandatory teaching is foreseen, corresponding to approximately 35 – 40 hours per year. There is a very convenient fiscal benefit for candidates living outside Italy in the last 2 years as they will pay reduced taxes for the whole duration of the contract. The Department of Physics at Sapienza hosts renowned research groups in several areas of physics and is regularly included among the first 40 Physics and Astronomy institutes in the world according to various rankings.
More information on this position will appear shortly. Depending on their research field, for further information interested candidates can contact before January 10 2023: alessandro.melchiorri at (cosmology) paolo.pani at, alfredo.urbano at (gravity and particle-physics theory), raffaella.schneider at, luca.graziani at (extragalactic astrophysics and GW source population modeling)