Gravitational Memory Effects: From Theory to Observation, London, UK

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Date:  2023-06-05  -  2023-06-09

Location:  London, UK

The past few years have witnessed a rapid growth of research in the low frequency sector of gravitational waves. This is triggered by various motivations: First, its observable consequences known as “memory effects” may be detected in the near future in current and planned gravitational wave detectors. Second, substantial breakthroughs in the holographic understanding of gravity in asymptotically flat spacetimes, have revealed a deep connection between memory and the underlying symmetries of quantum gravity. Third, novel methods to study gravitational scattering amplitudes have revealed detailed information about their soft limit. Accordingly, this topic lies at the interface between various fields of research, including quantum gravity, flat-space holography, gravitational wave theory, scattering amplitudes, mathematical GR and numerical relativity.

The goal of this meeting is to bring together experts from different areas of research to discuss various aspects of gravitational memory effects. In particular, we will discuss memory effects in the context of

1- Perturbative and numerical formulation of gravitational waves
2- Observation in current and future GW detectors
3- Quantum gravity and holography
4- Scattering amplitudes and their classical limit
5- Mathematical GR and the late time behavior of gravitational waves

More information, including the list of speakers and registration form can be found in the webpage of the workshop at:

Organizers: Pau Figueras, David Nichols, Ali Seraj, and Juan A. Valiente Kroon
