Deadline: 2023-08-31
Contact: barausse[AT]
Location: Trieste, Italy
The Astroparticle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology groups and the newly formed research group in Theoretical and Scientific Data Science group at SISSA ( invite expressions of interest for one postdoctoral position in machine learning and data science for cosmology and astroparticle physics, including gravitational wave astrophysics, starting in January 2024.
The position is part of a programme funded by the Italian Ministry to support collaboration and scientific exchanges between Italy’s 6 Scuole Speciali, and collaborative research links will be developed in particular with the Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa) and the Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI).
We are looking for qualified candidates interested in cross-disciplinary work across machine learning, data science, deep learning and statistical methods with a focus on methodological development and applications in the fields of astroparticle physics, astrophysical probes of fundamental interactions, gravitational wave astrophysics or large scale structures. Candidates with expertise in machine learning and Bayesian inference techniques, deep learning, gravitational wave physics (including synergies with cosmology), HPC techniques and numerical cosmology are especially encouraged to apply.
We are committed to promoting equality and diversity. All qualified applicants will receive consideration and will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, age, or national or ethnic origin.
SISSA is an institute with exclusive focus on research and PhD education in Physics (including data science), Mathematics and Neurosciences, located in the beautiful seaside city of Trieste, in the North-Eastern tip of Italy, enjoying excellent quality of life and great outdoors. We have strong collaborative links with the Institute for Fundamental Physics of the Universe (IFPU,, the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (, the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF; Observatory of Trieste, and the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN; Trieste Section, as well as many other national and international institutions.
Applications should include a CV, a publication list, and a statement of research interests not exceeding 3 A4 pages in length. Applicants should also arrange for three letters of reference. Applications need to be submitted by Apr 30th, 2022 for full consideration. The search will continue until the positions are filled.
For inquiries and applications, please contact Roberto Trotta (rtrotta[AT] or Enrico Barausse (barausse[AT] directly