Fellowship positions in gravitational-wave science, Glasgow, UK

More info:  external link
Deadline:  2024-10-01

Location:  Glasgow, UK

The Institute for Gravitational Research, at the University of Glasgow, welcomes applications as a host institution for postdoctoral fellowships, such as Royal Society University Research Fellowships and STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellowships, in all aspects of gravitational-wave research from experimental science and instrumentation development to gravitational-wave data analysis and astrophysics or associated multi-messenger astronomy.

Fellowships are prestigious opportunities that provide multi-year funding for early career researchers to establish their own independent research programmes. Details of applying for fellowships may be found on the attached link.

The University of Glasgow also offers the Lord Kelvin/Adam Smith Fellowship that will provide additional funds (up to GBP 100k) for successful applicants.

To help strengthen applications, all fellowship applications undergo internal review, and applicants are provided with mentorship. Consequently, potential applicants are advised to make contact well in advance of fellowship deadlines. For example, those interested in University Research Fellowships should provide preliminary information of the planned submissions by 10 June and confirm their intention to submit by 18 July.

The Institute is one of the world’s largest and most diverse gravitational-wave groups. It is active in major international collaborations such as the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the LISA Consortium and the Einstein Telescope Collaboration. Experimental work is supported by facilities including a new world-class facility for producing ion-beam sputtered optical coatings in partnership with the Universities of Strathclyde and West of Scotland, and with a new cryogenic prototype interferometer facility for next-generation gravitational-wave detectors with suspended crystalline silicon mirrors under development. Data analysis is supported through access to our local high-performance computing clusters. All postdoctoral fellows have access to training and career development opportunities through the University’s Early Career Development Programme. The School of Physics and Astronomy has Institute of Physics Juno Champion and Athena Swan Silver statuses, and the University is a Stonewall Scotland Diversity Champion.