Quantum Gravity on the computer 2.0, Jena, Germany

More info:  external link
Date:  2024-09-09  -  2024-09-13

Location:  Jena, Germany

Computational methods and numerical simulations play an increasingly important role in various approaches to quantum gravity. In recent years we have seen emerging evidence that Lorentzian quantum gravity approaches with quantum amplitudes have intriguing properties, e.g. destructive interference of undesirable configurations. However, these are also particularly challenging to tackle numerically. In this workshop, we want to see how and with which methods different approaches address these challenges. Moreover, we also want to explore which future questions and observables are interesting from different perspectives.

The focus of this workshop is not high performance computing, but rather how to use computers in quantum gravity, explaining the methods used and whether they might be transferable to other approaches.

Confirmed speakers:

Georg Bergner (FSU Jena)
Bianca Dittrich (Perimeter Institute)
Pietro Dona’ (CPT Marseille)
Renata Ferrero (FAU Erlangen)
Benjamin Knorr (Nordita)
Daniel Nemeth (Radboud University Nijmegen)
Andreas Pithis (FSU Jena)
Dongxue Qu (Perimeter Institute)
Hanno Sahlmann (FAU Erlangen)
Yuki Sato (University of Fukui)
Sumati Surya (Raman Research Institute)
Stav Zalel (Imperical College London)

We plan this workshop as a hybrid event, so participation will be possible remotely via Zoom.
Registration is open! We plan for up to 30 participants in person.

We in particular welcome participation of PhD students and postdocs, who can also apply to present a poster for this event.